Have Retail Publications Lost Their Edge?

Have retail publications become less daring, content to feed us a steady stream of surface-level news rather than challenging us to think critically about what’s next?

Let’s face it—how many articles can you read about the latest executive promotion or another new technology pilot before it starts to feel repetitive? Sure, we need to know about the big moves and new tools in our industry, but what about the deeper conversations? Where are the thought-provoking pieces that dive into the real problems businesses face? The risks they took? The challenges they overcame?

It feels like retail publications today are more concerned with gaining subscribers and selling ad space than in sparking real conversations. Has the focus shifted from content that forces us to ask hard questions, to safe topics that only skim the surface of what really matters?

I wonder where we can turn to read stories of failures, learnings, and successes that equip us to face our own business challenges. Who’s out there teaching us through their writing, sharing lessons that go beyond the headlines and give us the tools to adapt when the next crisis hits?

And here’s an even bigger question: how can we create a new model of digital publication that mirrors the energy and learning that flows through great industry events like Groceryshop or FMI Midwinter? At these events, we’re pushed to rethink our assumptions, network with peers, and come away with fresh ideas. Shouldn’t our industry publications do the same?

I wonder. Maybe it’s time for something new. Something bolder.